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Indiana, United States
Updates on our homeschooling family with ten children, a handful of chickens, a couple horses, three bunnies, and six cats. Visit our website at PeacefulHome.net


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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cauliflower in the Banana Bread?

When I bought The Sneaky Chef and Deceptively Delicious a couple years ago, I started an ongoing adventure of hiding vegetables in different foods without anyone catching on to what I was doing. Just today, the blueberry muffins at breakfast had pear puree, and at dinner, our taco meat hid spinach, blueberries, and carrots!

While the books are a great read for the how-tos and inspiration, here are some sneaky tips to get you started on your own path to incognito veggies. After steaming and pureeing the veggies, I freeze them in 1 cup Gladware-type containers. Write the contents on the lid with a sharpie.

Cauliflower or mashed white beans - into anything pale like muffins, cookies, and cream sauces.

Carrots, squash, or sweet potatoes - this is the most versatile. Put it into baked beans, any reddish sauce, even into hamburger patties

Spinach - combined with blueberries, you can hide this in brownies or chocolate cupcakes. I'm serious! I also make a green puree of spinach, broccoli, and peas that I put into red sauces, burgers, and even gingerbread!

The key is really to match the color of the puree with the sauce. (Green puree into mac 'n cheese would be a bad move!) Start with 1/4 C of puree and work up to 1/2 to 1 cup. Try not to giggle too much when they're happily eating spinach brownies!


  1. I'm not sure I can ever eat at your house again. LOL! My mother totally needed those cookbooks!

  2. What a clever idea! I often hide a variety of veggies in our spaghetti sauce! That is a great hiding place for nutritious vegetables, but I never thought about hiding them in baked goods! You are a sneaky mama! :)

  3. Totally what I need to do so my kids will eat some veggies!

  4. Hooray for cauliflower! My kids love it and request that I mix the puree into our macaroni and cheese!
