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Indiana, United States
Updates on our homeschooling family with ten children, a handful of chickens, a couple horses, three bunnies, and six cats. Visit our website at PeacefulHome.net


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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hooked on Eagles!

A post from Emelie's Blog about our latest obsession...

So my uncle is a huge birdwatcher guy. This morning, he emailed this link to my mom. It's a live feed from a camera watching an bald eagle nest in northwestern Iowa. She opened it around breakfast, and this thing has been on all day.

During school, everyone kept running into the kitchen to check on these birds. There's the two parents, two eaglets, and one unhatched egg. And we get all wrapped up in this reality-show, eagle style. They were like all upset when the one eaglet got more food than the other eaglet, when the parents were fighting in the nest. All that good stuff.
This is dad on the nest from earlier today

And of course, there's the beaver. There's a nice, stiff, very dead beaver in the foreground of the camera. At first, we couldn't figure it out. It was brown and fuzzy and had big teeth, but mainly, it was dead. And who knew that eagles ate beavers? But, according to Wikipedia, eagles will eat pretty much anything. So...ok. This was proven when there was another bird in the nest.

And eagles get ugly when they eat. Mom and Dad fighting over the food, spitting food into the baby's mouths, that one little guy getting more than the other little guy, yeah. There's a whole untapped drama source at the eagle dinner table.

We even watched watched Eagle Cam during lunch. Which really proves that we'uns are all purty much country kids, if we can watch that while we're eating. There was some confusion, though. One of my brothers kept asking if we could rewind it.

The gold star moment goes to my sister, who asked, "When will they say words?" Followed by Hunter who would cry "See Turkey!" everytime the screensaver came on.

Are you ready to be addicted? Follow the link...

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