Quick on the heals of Brigitta turning “one-whole-hand,” my sweet Meggie-Boo turned “two-whole-hands.”
Meggie was the sweetest, calmest baby. She smiled earlier than any of my babies and still is quite the smiler! She is loving and affectionate – a delight to be around!
We celebrated her birthday a day early since her mean parents made her compete at a math tournament on her actual birthday.
Lunch was at Old Country Buffet (are you catching the buffet theme with my children?).
She requested a cherry cheese cake (recipe coming soon!)
She was most excited about a new cage and supplies for her rabbit. (It takes a special girl to be thrilled with things like urine guards and droppings pans!)

I always knew I liked this girl...cherry cheesecake speaks to me! :) Happy Birthday, Meg! Can hardly believe she is 10!