My children absolutely love homemade pizza. Caleb has an almost unnatural passion for it! This dough make an easy-to-roll, thin crust. It’s a large batch – about 6 large Pampered Chef stones worth. If you don’t need that much, it freezes beautifully for a quick dinner later on.
We have one child that really doesn’t like pizza sauce. We make cheese – no sauce pizza by putting a little oil on the dough and sprinkling it with garlic powder. Then lay on the cheese. This has become the most popular pie in the house. We even order it that way when we order pizza. (Try the Pizza Hut Cheese Lovers without sauce – amazing!)
Homemade Pizza Dough
3 Tbl yeast
1/3 C sugar
½ C oil
4 C warm water
6 C white flour
6 C wheat flour
Mix yeast and warm water. Let stand for 5 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and mix until smooth and elastic. Roll into greased pans. Bake dough for 5 minutes @ 400˚ before topping. Bake 10 minutes more after topping.

I am not 100% happy with my pizza crust recipe and I can't wait to try this one!! Thanks for posting it! I think baking the crust 5 minutes before adding toppings may be the secret tip I've been looking for, as my crust gets so soggy in the middle.