
Monday, May 24, 2010

Menu Plan Monday - May 24, 2010

One of the changes we've made with the new chore system is to have Emelie (14) cook dinner twice a week. She's often helped me in the past, but now it's all up to her for the whole meal to be ready when Dad walks through the door.

After the first night, I asked her how she liked it. She said it was tiring but better than scrubbing toilets (which I'm now doing in exchange!). I'm excited to teach her everything that goes into feeding this crew: the adaptations we make for our tastes and budget as well as the quantities we need.

This is a short week for us since we'll leave on Thursday to enjoy a weekend of Indiana State History Field Trips! Here are some of the favorites we will be having:

Monday – BBQ Beef Sandwiches, Potato Wedges

Tuesday  – Dried Beef Gravy over Toast, Eggs, Fruit

Wednesday – Pinto Bean Casserole

Thursday- Sunday - On the road!

Our menus for last year can be found at our website. Breakfast menu is here; lunch menu is here.

Find more menus at


  1. Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!!!! So glad Em is making dinner for you guys! We just had Rach do the same thing on Sunday and I must say it was lovely. I am not sure she is quite ready to take it on twice a week as Em is, but even occasionally is super. :) Did I mention, can't wait to see you tomorrow!?!!!

  2. I always enjoy reading your menus, and you inspired me to start planning mine!

    I posted my enchilada lasagna recipe. I think your family would like it -- mine sure did!!!

    Unfortunately, I think some fellas ate the last of it last night, so I won't get some for lunch today. :(

  3. So neat that Em is making dinners now. I started at the same age and I loved learning new things, reading cookbooks and by a few years later I often cooked up to 5 times a week for our family. The only difficulty I had was when I got married and moved out, I found I had no idea how to cook for only 2 people! There were a couple meals that just went on forever and I had thought they looked so small while preparing. Great learning experience I am glad for it today with my growing family.
