
Monday, May 10, 2010

Menu Plan Monday - May 10, 2010

Now that we're done with our regular school work for the year, I'm looking forward to getting some special projects done. At the top of the list is the implementation of our new chore system. Tomorrow, Bryan and I will have date night at Walmart for our once-every-two-months grocery trip. And of course there's always the hoped-for completion of crafting and organizational projects!

This week we plan to dine on:

MondayChicken Stew over Biscuits

Tuesday (4-H Woodworking) – Beef Tortilla Casserole

Wednesday (4-H Council Meeting) – Cold Cuts, Popcorn

Thursday (4-H Rabbit)  – Tangy Tender Chicken

FridayCasserole in the Cooker

Our menus for last year can be found at our website. Breakfast menu is here; lunch menu is here.

Find more menus at

1 comment:

  1. I am adding to my list of crockpot meals, so I think I am going to try casserole in the cooker this week. Thanks!

