About Me

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Indiana, United States
Updates on our homeschooling family with ten children, a handful of chickens, a couple horses, three bunnies, and six cats. Visit our website at PeacefulHome.net


Grocery Spending

Food Only

Oct 2010 - $231.39

Nov 2010 - $998.22

Dec 2010 - $340.29

Jan 2011 - $855.15

Feb 2011 - $203.17

Mar 2011 - $916.52

Monthly Average $590.79

Weekly Average $137.85
Our family's website, PeacefulHome.net, is in the process of changing hosting companies and is currently inactive. Our plan is to move this blog over once construction is complete. Please stay tuned for updates!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

WFMW - Our Grocery List

I grew up watching my mother shop for the family from a handwritten grocery list that she had mimeographed (remember those smelly blue things?). When I was out on my own, I created one on the computer even long before the babies started coming.

The list is organized according to how we shop the store. I have a list that has Aldi and Wal-Mart on one page, as well as one for Wal-Mart only. (We shopped Wal-Mart only last weekend from 10pm-12am. It was the only free time we had!)

Since it has the items that we use most, I just circle what I need and note quantities. There are also blank spots to write in more unusual needs. I've formatted it so that I can rip it down the middle so Bryan and I can "divide and conquer."

Download my copies at
PeacefulHome.net. Click on the "downloads" tab.

What works for you?

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