
Monday, September 5, 2011

Menu Plan Monday - September 5, 2011

Only five more days until we leave for Disney World!! Or five more "sleeps" as the girlies are saying. We'll only school for two days this week and spend the rest of the week packing.

In honor of our trip, here are some of the snacks that we usually take into the parks:
  • Peanuts (unsalted or children get too thirsty)
  • Individual boxes of raisins
  • Little gummie fruit snacks
  • Individual bags of pretzels
  • Dum Dums (keeps mouths quiet if you make it a contest to see whose lasts longest)
  • Lots of water bottles (we refill them all day long)
This week we will be enjoying:

Monday - Bean Burritos (using Pinto Bean Mix), Salad

Tuesday - Puffy Pancake, Sausage

Wednesday (AWANA) - Sweet & Sour Sausage, Noodles, Green Beans

Thursday (Karate) - Mac 'n Cheese, Frozen Pizza

Friday - Tacos, Skillet Corn

Saturday - Leave on vacation!!

Our menus for past years can be found at our website. Breakfast menu is here; lunch menu is here.

Find more menus at:

1 comment:

  1. your menu looks yummy.
    have fun in disney! i hope to bring my daughter one day
    I would love if you stopped by my blog
    Here is a link to my Menu Plan
    Have a great week:)
