
Monday, April 18, 2011

Menu Plan Monday - April 18, 2011

We survived one of our busiest weekends of the year!

On Saturday, Meg competed in a Math Pentathlon Tournament. She earned Honorable Mention! She was happy because she improved her score from last year.

At the same time, Emelie was participating in our area's 4-H horse judging contest. She placed first in the senior division and is heading to the state contest in a couple weeks!

Just to keep things spicy, Hunter's cough (and attitude) only allowed us about three hours of sleep on Saturday night.

Sunday we celebrated Meghan's 11th birthday. Photos of that even coming soon!

The crazy continues this week with a packed schedule. For dinner we will be having:

Monday (4-H Floriculture) - Black Bean Quesadillas, Skillet Corn

Tuesday (Horse Judging, Rabbit Agility) - Hashbrown Casserole, Peach Cobbler, Eggs

Wednesday (AWANA, 4-H Electric) - Chicken Nuggets, Popcorn

Thursday (Homeschool Group, Karate) - Tomato Soup, Grilled Cheese

Friday - Dinner with friends!

Saturday  (Rabbit Show) - Swedish Meatballs, Rice, Noodles, Steamed Broccoli

Our menus for past years can be found at our website. Breakfast menu is here; lunch menu is here.

Find more menus at:

1 comment:

  1. I've got a food linky on Marvelous Menu for you to link so we can visit each other.
    Until Next time,

    Ask Ms Recipe
