
Monday, November 1, 2010

Menu Plan Monday - November 1, 2010

Time for a little honesty... Due to our crazy schedule this week, we're not having a "normal" menu plan. But, after all, this is our reality - rarely neat and tidy! It's going to be a roller coaster week, but full of experiences that I hope the children will remember for a long time!

But first, here's a little number that I whipped up after church yesterday. Had it on the table in about 10 minutes! Pretty tasty, too!

Asian Beans & Noodles
1 Can Black Beans, drained and rinsed
1 lb. Frozen Broccoli
2 (3 oz.) Packages Ramen Noodles (oriental or beef flavor)
1/2 teaspn Ginger
3 Tblspn Thinly Sliced Green Onions

In a skillet, combine 2 C water, broken up noodles, both seasoning packets, and ginger. Bring to a boil and reduce heat. Cover and simmer for 3 minutes or until noodles and broccoli are tender, stirring occasionally. Stir in beans and green onions, heat through. Serves 6-8.

Notes: We doubled this recipe and it was perfect for our dinner with leftovers for lunch the next day. The original recipe called for 1.5 lbs. of ground beef, but cooked beans are what we had plus most of my children prefer them. Chicken would also be tasty. Try substituting a frozen stir-fry mix for the broccoli if you're feeling adventurous!

This week we'll be enjoying:

Monday  (Missionary Night) - Pitch-In at Church

Tuesday (Whole family working at the polls for election day, Horse Judging) - Probably McD's on the Road

Wednesday (AWANA) - Hot Dogs, Chips

Thursday (Homeschool Group, Karate) - Tater Tot Casserole

Friday - Bible Study (I think we'll serve these recipes)

Saturday (Scrapbooking Crop - Whoo Hoo!) - Broccoli Cheese Soup, Cornbread


Our menus for last year can be found at our website. Breakfast menu is here; lunch menu is here.

Find more menus at:

1 comment:

  1. I'm a homeschooling mom too! You are as busy as I am! (all moms are busy) My hats off to you in homeschooling your 8 children... Blessings!
