
Monday, March 29, 2010

Menu Plan Monday - March 29, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mom! We're glad you came up so we could celebrate your day with you!

We are also praising God that Hunter had a follow-up doctor visit from the drama of last week. His lungs are clear! We can begin to wean him off the Albuterol (no more middle of the night treatments!). He'll be on a maintenance breathing treatment daily for the next month or so to get him through allergy season without any more issues.

The rest of the crew is fighting Spring Fever. Did you hear about the school that had a "Sun Day?" My students are all for it!

This week we will be enjoying God's provision in the following ways:

Monday - Garlic Potatoes and Ham, Rolls

Tuesday (Horse Judging) - Tater Tot Casserole, Green Beans

Wednesday (4-H, AWANA) - Corn Dogs & Chips

Thursday - Black Bean Quesadillas (these are always a HUGE hit)

Friday - Bible Study

Saturday - Sausage Spaghetti, Bread, Salad

Find more menus at Our menus for last year can be found at our website. Breakfast menu is here; Lunch is here. What's on your menu this week?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am all for a Sun Day too..... I thought it was very helpful that he hung out with the 5 kids who had no where to go... Seems like a good plan and I bet the kids are more energized... I love taking days off school just because, but then if you do too many you just have to have school longer when May comes... :(
