
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Menu Plan Monday - December 27, 2009

I hope that your Christmas weekend was a joyous celebration of the birth of Christ! Our family had a wonderful time with all our beloved traditions, much laughter, and a feast to end all feasts! Bryan and I were thinking of fasting until New Year's!

I need to go through the hundreds of pictures taken to come up with a "highlight reel" for the weekend. Hopefully within the next couple days.

We're looking forward to Bryan being home this week and more fellowship with friends at our New Year's Eve gathering. Jamers, have you ever blogged about the Blue Ribbon-winning Miller Mix? We can't wait to have some!

Notice in this menu, some of the "planned-over" meats I've cooked recently. For the last week of this year, as well as the last week of this decade, we will be having:
Monday - BBQ Beef Sandwiches (from the roast I cooked a couple weeks ago), Potato Salad, Fruit Cocktail

Tuesday (4-H Horse Judging) - Chicken & Dumplings (from the roasted chickens of a few weeks ago), Salad

Wednesday - Baked Bean Chili (from baked beans made two months ago), Cornbread

Thursday (New Year's Eve) - Sandwich Rolls for our party

Friday - Ham & Potatoes (from Christmas Ham), Broccoli, Sweet Muffins

Saturday - Spicy Lemon Chicken, Egg Noodles

Find more menus at Our menus for the year can be found at our website. Breakfast menu is here; Lunch is here. What's on your menu this week?

1 comment:

  1. First of all....LOVE the new picture! SWEET! Still can't get over Brigetta's hair but once we see her over and over again I am sure I'll get use to it. As for the mix, no I have not blogged about that. I should do that and then link up to a picture of Meg. She was the big winner there. I will be calling to see what else to bring Thursday and times and such. Can't wait to come visit the Stumpf B&B. :)
