Here are some schedules, menus, and more for you to download. When you click on a link, you will be taken to Toward the bottom of the page is a "Download Now" button. You will then be directed to another page where it says "Download File for Free." You are given the option to open or save the file. It's cumbersome, but free!
Example of a school schedule (Excel file)
Here an example of a school-year schedule. It was created in Excel using the book, Managers Of Their Homes.
Example of a summer schedule (Excel file)
This is our summer schedule created from Managers Of Their Homes. We keep a tighter schedule in the morning while trying to leave plenty of free time later in the day for play.
Job Lists (Word file)
Our Job Lists for the 2008 school year.
Big Grocery Shopping lists (Word files)
The lists we use for our every-two-months big grocery
Wal-mart Only
Wal-mart & Aldi
2009 Monthly Menus (pdf File)
2008 Monthly Menus (pdf File)
Crock Pot Recipes (Word File)
This document contains a wealth of links to Crockpot recipes sorted by main ingredient