
Friday, April 1, 2011

First Year of College for $500?!

A couple years ago I listened to a couple convention sessions by Woody Robertson of CollegePlus!. I came home excited with a new vision for Emelie’s high school years. Today she had the pleasure of listening to one of his sessions, and to say she’s excited about finishing her Bachelor’s Degree by age 18 would be an understatement!  

Some thoughts from the session:
  • In 2010, fewer than 20% of college graduates get a job right out of school and most of those that do earn under 40K
  • Only 54% of freshmen entering college will graduate
  • 80% of college graduates do something different than their major
  • Students spend more time in drinking and sports than academics (less than 3 hours per day average are spent in academics)
  • 93% of faculty describe themselves as liberals
  • Our Founding Fathers graduated college at 16 and 17 years old

In contrast, those students pursuing the method promoted by CollegePlus! have an 80% employment rate. The time saved can be spent on internships and advanced degrees and the learning is individualized to the student.

Emelie’s personality and study skills make her the poster child for this method. It will be interesting to see where this takes her!

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is interesting about the less than 3 hours on academics. I think that is not quite accurate of every college and obviously depends on the kids and parents and school!
