
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Adoption Update

We are a few more steps down the road to adoption. Friday will be the last of our three home studies. The only paperwork left to do are the medical reports for Bryan and I (don't know why we're putting that off!). Hopefully we'll get appointments in the next week or two.

It's exciting to think that our family might look different before the end of the year! I can also get keyed up thinking about how that transition will take place. Breathe - God is in control of all of this! But I have some adoption books on hold at the library, just to get prepared!

We're hoping that Friday we might have a very loose time-line of our next steps. I know that the Department of Child Services rarely moves at lightening speed. Pray that I can have patience and peace with that!


  1. Just remember that when God has the child(ren) He has planned to join your lovely family, He will make that happen in rapid speed. He will not move any faster than that perfect timing. When that happens, you will know that the child you are looking at was chosen by God for you and you know you are looking at the face of YOUR son/daughter. There are no words that describe the first time you see a child you know God chose for you to raise. You have had 9 months to fall in love with each of your kids now and then loved seeing their personalities appear over the years. This experience will show you just how it is possible to fall in love with a child that did not come from your body. Regardless, when you look eye to eye with that child you will see what God sees in you...unconditional love and a desire to sacrifice all you have for this child. It is amazing. Parenting in general is a beautiful gift. Choosing to parent a child that is not from your body is a calling. God will bless that, my friend! :) And of course, call if you need us. :)

  2. Glad to hear this, Lainie! Looking forward to seeing what God has in store for the Stumpfs. :-)
