
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Competition Season Wrap-Up

And now for the final installment of "Look at What My Children Did at Their Competitions!" (At least for the time being!)

For the past four weekends we've had Math Pentathlon Tournaments and 4-H Horse Judging Contests - usually two per weekend at two different locations. It's a stretching time as everyone's perception of normal is challenged.

Two weekends ago Jacob and Ted both completed in their respective divisions at Math Pentathlon Tournaments. (I guess the tournament organizers figure that not too many people have children in BOTH the first and last divisions.)
Here's a shot of what the competition floor looks like at one of the Math Tournaments.

Jacob, kindergarten, competed for the first time. He had so much fun! Win, lose, or tie he always had a smile on his face.

Ted, 7th grade, competed for the last time. Of all my children, he loves these games the most. He goes to all the other tournaments he can as a volunteer. He worked very hard preparing for his competition. Unfortunately, so did most of his opponents. All 5 of his games (which last 1 hour each) were hard fought matches. He knew by the end of his fourth game that he was out of the medal hunt. His final game ended with some controversy, but he’s determined see what God would have him learn from it.

This past weekend, Caleb competed in his math tournament. He goes through the games without getting ruffled. He enjoys playing, regardless of outcome.

Meghan volunteered at Caleb's tournament to be a runner for the score cards. She walked around the gym for almost 4 hours, ponytail bouncing!

Ted volunteered to be a game monitor (a job they usually reserve for adults). He was so proud to be able to help out the organization he loves so much!

After Caleb's award ceremony, we drove an hour to Emelie's State Horse Judging Contest. We made in just in time to see her place 6th in the state, with her team pulling in a 5th place ribbon.

We are so proud of everyone for all the hard work they put into their various pursuits! They all displayed great character and sportsmanship. And the crazy thing is...they want to do it again next year!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so mucn for the last minute "cram session" at your house! Charlie had much more confidence that he would have otherwise. What a proud mama you must have been Saturday- all of your children conducted themselves so beautifully.
