
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Just keep sewing, just keep sewing....

Now that I’ve got the Easter outfits wrapped up, I’ve dusted off my quilting skills and started a new bed cover for the master bedroom.

The quilt block–of-the-month kits at Joann’s really caught my eye. I know I want one of the walls in my room painted a dark teal – which this quilt has. All the pieces are pre-cut. This makes putting a block together super quick. (I’m all about instant gratification when it comes to crafting!)

Not only are blocks available (12 required for the quilt-top), but also a setting kit and pre-cut binding – ahhhhhh - Where have you been all my life!!!

These items can be rather pricy, but careful use of those 40 & 50% off coupons takes some of the sting away. Since all the dimensions are given in the directions, I’m using the patterns to make a second quilt with the scraps of the Easter outfits. More quilt for the buck! I was able to make four blocks (two for each quilt) in snatches of one day.

Two down, ten to go!


  1. A mom after my own heart! I just love to sew and quilt as well! A beautiful job on your girls dresses! I'm a first time visitor to your blog.

  2. I have been on a quilting kick this year. I hhave some very fun fabrics I finally made into baby blankets just to sew fun happy fabric.

  3. Seriously, how do you have time for these things!?!?!? :cP
