
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

WFMW - Ode to the over-the-door shoe holder

On our recent crazy road trip we so appreciated the over-the-door shoe holder for toiletries, I thought it deserved another post.

Since, for nine nights, we never stayed in the same place twice, we needed to be able to unpack and repack quickly. I loaded the shoe holder with our toiletries before we left, and folded it into the top of out swimsuit/jammies bin that went into the hotel with us every night.

At night we would carefully unfold the holder and hang it on the bathroom door. We used it to hold my make-up, toothbrushes, medicines, and hair styling tools and products. It was also a great place to stick things, even temporarily, that we wanted to make sure we didn’t forget. It kept the bathroom counters tidy, too, which you know makes me happy!