
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New Use for Leftovers

Around here we rarely have much food left over after meals. I purposely cook large enough portions for dinner to enjoy for lunch the next day. Only occasionally we will have a serving or two left after that. Since it takes so many "single servings" to make up another meal, I've gotten into the habit of freezing them for my mom to take home with her after her visits. It saves her time and effort, and helps me to keep from wasting food.

As I was packaging up some of our chicken soup for Mom, I got to thinking that this could become a ministry for others. Perhaps you know of an elderly person or couple, college student, or struggling single that would be blessed by some of your good home-cookin'?

Those 1 or 2 cup disposable Ziploc containers work great. So would a freezer bag in some instances. Just remember to label the contents and allow for the frozen food to expand (visualize tomato soup running out into the freezer and then freezing into red concrete!).


  1. There is always someone out there who would appreciate the leftovers - what a great tip!

    Happy Tuesday!

  2. This is a wonderful suggestion. My 90-year old neighbor broke her ankle and can no longer drive. She went from being very active (volunteering and water fitness nearly every day of the week to home-bound) and meals are one way that we can ease that transition for her - that and rides to the store and library, etc. It's not hard to find someone who can use a serving or two of food when there are leftovers - or to intentionally increase the amount made for this purpose.

    It's great that you shared this idea and I hope many readers take it on!

  3. Wonderful Idea! This reminds me of a precious widow that I used to do this very thing with! I would take out a cup or two of whatever soup or casserole I made and freeze them for her. Then, when I had several, I would take a stack of them to her freezer for her to use. Just remind your readers to make sure they label the bags or containers very well. Once frozen, it is impossible for the recipient to guess what is inside! :)

  4. I recently did something similar for my mother for her sixtieth birthday. It wasn't from leftovers, but we made her a bunch of meals she could keep in her freezer and pull out when she wanted some home cooked food without any fuss. She loved it! I'm already cooking for a big family so a little more isn't a big deal for me, but for one person sometimes the effort seems not worth making to cook for herself.
