
Monday, February 8, 2010

How to look like a "Domestic Diva"

I love the look of vintage aprons. I'm not alone since there are books, blogs, and adorable patterns out there devoted to the apron. I have the patterns that my mom used to sew aprons for my great-grandmother in the '60s but have never gotten around to making one for myself.

That is why I love the "Domestic Diva" apron kits. They are available at your local Joann Fabrics hidden back in the quilting section. If you use one of those 40% off coupons, they end up being much cheaper than if you'd started from scratch with a pattern and fabric. Plus they go together in about an hour.

I've made three so far and enjoy them all. It almost inspires me to vacuum in high-heels and pearls. Almost.

Here's Meggie modeling our latest "Diva" apron. Please ignore the fact that the baby is sitting on the table doing heavens-knows-what!


  1. First of all, you need to make sure Em has her camera ready the day you yank out high heels and pearls to run the vaccuum! That is a blog all by itself! :) Seriously thought, how cute are those aprons! I love it!!! That is something I need to embrace and still have not. After looking at the cute picture of Meg....think we will be heading to JoAnn's on their next sale day! :)

  2. I had no idea that JoAnn's had these kits. How great is that! And your little girl looks lovely in hers.
