
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

WFMW - Tomato Staking

Why does God provide me with wonderful resources to meet my needs, and then as time goes by I forget about them? The other day, my 2-year-old daughter was raising my boiling point with her fits and outbursts. Just as I was losing my cool, God gently reminded me about "tomato staking."

If you're new to this concept, it basically means that you keep your child with you at all times. Elizabeth has much information at her website and has even written a book.

I've developed my own version of staking that is especially effective with the younger crowd. The child that is acting up most is the one that needs the most attention. (This is the one that you want to send to their room!) They are then with me to help with my daily tasks. Important to note: don't treat the staking as a punishment! Be cheerful about having the child with you, not as an opportunity to lecture them! When they have "found their happy" they can go back to their day.

And that fractious 2-year-old? After helping me wipe the table and sweep the floor, Heidi skipped back to her sister and played happily!


  1. Thank you for that reminder! My mom often tells me this too, and yet in those difficult moments I tend to forget, but I do believe this to be true!

  2. It works for olders too. I used it yesterday. I much more wanted to send her to the barn and lock the door, but I didn't! And even though it was a bit of a punishment because she didn't get her precious quiet/reading time, it was time well spent together.
    Thanks to you Lanie!
