
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

WFMW - A Picture Doesn't Lie

Thanks to all who posted such great advice on last week's backwards Works for Me Wednesday. A common theme was inspecting the children's jobs. Admittedly this is where I struggle most. I usually have several plates spinning and checking up on everyone's quality of work is difficult. Then when I discover an incomplete task later, I'm not a pleasant mommy.

Lately I've been using our digital camera to help with inspecting. When children claim to be done with their jobs, I tell them to grab the camera and take a picture of their area of work. Then they bring the camera to me. Usually the job gets a "pass," but if not, I can point out areas that need work without leaving what I'm doing.

Nothing can take the place of in-person inspection, but this can certainly help things along. (I do cringe at the thought that, just maybe, everything has been shoved just to the outside of the camera's view. Nahhhh, my children would never do THAT!)

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea. I like accountability too, but it is hard to stop what you are doing to make sure they are doing what they are supposed to. I think I will try this with my oldest.
