
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Menu Plan Monday - September 21, 2009

We're baaack! Today we drove in around 6pm after driving since about 10 from Chattanooga.

What an incredible trip for our family. Give me a couple nights of good sleep and I'll be ready to do it all over again! I've got stories to tell. And enough photos to bore everyone until Christmas. Tonight you'll be spared all that as I'm too tired to be very coherent.

Since we ate out our pantry and freezer before we left, we also have no food in the house. Therefore, no real meal plan for the week. Pancakes every night maybe?

I'll probably grocery tomorrow for the next month or so. I spent some of our drive time planning a couple month's worth of meals. So check back in a few days and I'll have a real plan for you then!

Until then, go to for hundreds of meal plans.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Home! So glad you had a safe and enjoyable trip! I'm sure that many precious family memories were made! I can't wait to hear all the stories and see the pictures!!!! I hope your "re-entry" is smooth!
