
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

WFMW - Meat for the Masses

As a family we don’t eat a lot of meat. My husband (and oldest two children) would be delighted steak every night; however, our grocery budget would not. We therefore stick primarily to ground beef and chicken breasts that I serve chopped up in rice or sauce.

The best times to buy ground beef and chicken are around the big BBQ holidays: Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day. This past Memorial Day I spent $60 dollars on beef and chicken. The quantities I bought will last us into September. That works out to $15 per month, or $1.50 per person per month.

After I pull out the beef needed for meatloaf and patties, I cook up all of the hamburger at once with some chopped onion. I freeze 1 lb. amounts in freezer bags.

I put some of the chicken raw into freezer bags in meal amounts (2 breasts). The rest I cook and chop before freezing. About 2 cups of chicken works in most casseroles.

Having the meat already cooked will cut down on dinner prep time dramatically. Saving time and money – my two favorite hobbies! What works for you?


  1. What a great idea! I already buy meat in bulk but never cooked it all up and froze it.


  2. I already separate and freeze, but I think it would be rather handy to pre-cook some as well. Thanks for the tip!

  3. Great ideas, glad I stumbled upon this blog (via WFMW). I also cook chicken and freeze it, but not chopped. I boil 5-10 breasts at a time in a large pot, then shred it and freeze it in gallon sized ziplocks. I just take out what I need when I need it- whether it be one serving for me for a quick chicken wrap, or a larger amount for a casserole. It's easy to break up- just toss the bag against the counter (like you would a bag of ice) and then reach in and get what you need! I also freeze all of the broth into smaller bags (makes chicken and dumplins so much easier, therefore I cook this favorite meal more often!)
