
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Menu Plan Monday - July 20, 2009

The past seven months has been leading up to this: Hard work, late nights, temper tantrums by both children and parents. We're turning-in the exhibits for the 30 projects our three oldest children took for 4-H this year.

We dropped off 12 for closed judging on Friday evening. The Bicycle Rodeo was Saturday. Tomorrow starts the painful week of open judging. We'll be at the fairgrounds multiple times each day until Thursday. The fair opens Friday morning (Ted's 12th Birthday!)

It's times like these that it is so tempting to let the meal planning slide. But the reality is, these are the times when it matters most! Thought put into dinner the night before - what to take from the freezer? does this need to be a crockpot meal? - will make the difference between a home-cooked meal delivered on-time vs. a trip through the arches (which now carries around a $35 tab for our family).

That being said, this is what the Stumpfs will be enjoying this week:

Monday - Bean Dish Casserole

Tuesday - Baked French Toast, Sausage

Wednesday - Crock-pot Beef and Noodles

Thursday - Easy Taco Bake

Friday - Small Group Bible Study at the Fair!

Saturday - Franks n' Beans

What's on your menu this week? Find more at!


  1. I am glad you are getting your projects turned in this week. We would love to join you for a fair day at some point. Check you calendar and let us know what day works and we can see if our calendars are friendly! ;)

  2. Baked french toast sounds yummy. How do you make it?

  3. Baked French Toast can be found at our website,, under the recipes tab. It's a family favorite!

  4. I find the better prepared I am the less tempted to drive through as well. Your menu looks great.

  5. Easy taco bake? Would love the recipe for that :) I'm such a mexican food lover.
