
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Menu Plan Monday - July 13, 2009

What a delightful, crazy weekend. We had the blessing of many friends coming over to help put up the pasture fence (still a work-in-progress, by the way) and some just to visit. It will feel strange tomorrow to be cooking for just the ten of us!

Sometime next weekend we will be making the BIG grocery trip again. In May we shopped for ten weeks. By this point the larder is really getting low. We'll be eating quite a few meals that sounded good when I planned them but never jazzed me enough to cook them. Maybe there will be a gem in there somewhere! That said, this is what the Stumpfs will be enjoying this week:

Monday - Ham N Bean Bake

Tuesday - Taco Lasagna

Wednesday - Smoked Sausage Sandwiches, Baked Potatoes

Thursday (4-H Fair Set Up)- Pecan Ranch Wraps

Friday (4-H Project Check-In) - Cheesy Chicken

Saturday - Ham n' Corn Scrambled Eggs, Micro Roasted Potatoes

Find more menus at What's on your menu?

1 comment:

  1. I think your menu sounds delicious! I know what you mean though - sometimes you make a plan and then you're just not in the mood for THAT. Hope it's a wonderful week!
