
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Heidi the Headbanger

Heidi (2) has recently become enamored with Caleb's electric drum set. Her naturally-occurring mullet makes her hard-rocking tendencies even more hysterical!


  1. Rock on little one! That is hilarious Lainie. She appears to be taking after someone. I wonder who that might be :) That smile at the end is priceless. I can't wait to see you guys. I really miss all of your kids.

  2. We absolutely loved this video! And, also we saw Bryan on TV! How cool was that! I'm sorry we missed seeing you on Mother's Day. I hope you had a delightful day! Love you guys!

  3. hey this is Jason J. Just watched this video, she is so cute! A future singer for a heavy metal band perhaps........LOL....just kidding.
