
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hunter's Superhero

I realized yesterday that in the eyes of my 5 month-old, I can do absolutely anything. The all-powerful Mommy!

I can pick him up and WALK. That's amazing! I provide the nourishment that he wants (pretty much all the time) as well as all the loves and cuddles he craves. The toys I put in front of him are absolutely fascinating. And thank goodness I know where to get those dry diapers!

Hunter's 23rd Psalm (My Apologies to King David)
My mom is my hero, I shall not be in want.
She makes me lie down to take a nap,
Even when I don't think I need it,

She fills my soul.
She sings me soothing songs,
She tells me about Jesus.

Even though I'm sometimes really cranky,
I will not be afraid, because Mom is always there.
Your hugs and kisses, they comfort me.

You provide me with warm milk
whenever I need it.
Sometimes my belly does run over
(Sorry about that).

Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of my mommy

So after I came back from this ego trip, I got to thinking...God wants us to approach him like a child - just like Hunter. He wants us to prefer Him to all others, to light up with a grin when we're in His presence. We should turn to Him for the comfort we need.

Then it occurred to me, that as much as I love Hunter-man (which is a whole bunch, I assure you), God loves me even more. He loves me so much that He sent His baby Hunter to die for me. Can't really get my brain around that, but I'm so thankful He did!



  1. Lainie, I love this! What great insights. I so agree that we are to be the same way in approaching God. Give Hunter a hug and tell him he did a great job just being cute for this post. :) See you friend!

  2. How neat that we are both technical writers turned mommies! :) WHo did you work for? I worked for Burroughs Corp. (became Unisys) and wrote computer operation manuals, installation manuals, and training materials for their health care application. This was in the day of the Huge Main Frame computers that had to stay in the cold computer room!~ I had to walk back there to get my print outs off the big dot matrix printer! I was telling my children about this the other day and they just couldn't believe how big computers were back then! (1983-1989) Times have sure changed! I loved being a technical writer, as it used my love for writing, but I love being a SAHM even more! How about you??

  3. Ok, just found your blog! All this time you've bene commenting on ours and I didn't even know you had one too, sorry! I love it. You have such a talent at being creative with your words and time. I am so impressed! How do you have the time???? :cP You need to keep this Hunter's 23rd Psalm, it could be a classic. Love you guys!

  4. What an awesome comparison (and such a sweet version of Psalm 23). :) Precious.
    Thank you for sharing this and encouraging us.
    In His love,

  5. Lainie, That was really sweet. I appreciate your heart and your thoughts so much. I, too, can't wrap my head around that God sent His baby Hunter into the world for us...I get teared up...amazing.
