
Monday, January 19, 2009

Menu Plan Monday - January 19, 2009

What a blessing to have just groceried for the next eight weeks! I'm working on getting my menus for this year over to The first half of 2008 are over there - the second half I was too pregnant or with a newborn!

Tonight I just browned 8 lbs. of ground beef with onions. I baggied and froze it to be ready for meals over the next couple months. Such a time saver!

Most of my meals are coming from the Jeub cookbook, Love in the House. Economical and nourishing. Also I'm using Quick Cooking's 2001 Annual Recipes, and ones from The Family Homestead. Our themes are crockpot, soups, beans. We're trying to keep our costs down, but with 4-H ramping up, meals need to be quick to prepare and eat.

This week we'll be enjoying:

Monday - Cheesy Wild Rice Soup and Biscuits

Tuesday - Pasta with Cream Sauce, Fruit

Wednesday - Chicken Patty Sandwiches & Popcorn (AWANA Night)

Thursday - Spaghetti & Meatballs, Garlic Bread, Salad (Heidi's 2nd Birthday!!)

Friday - Pizza at Bible Study

Saturday - Stroganoff and Noodles, Green Beans



  1. Looks like you have your hands full! :) Have a great week!

  2. I am liking your menu this week. So much variety. I can't believe that you have grocery shopped for eight weeks. I have to go once a week because anything longer then that is overwhelming to me.

  3. I try to make more soups to cut costs, but a lot of my children really hate soup. I force the littles to eat some, usually smothered with cheese or something. Even my big boys aren't too happy to see soup more than once a week. they have huge appetitites and they want to see lots of Protein, i.e. MEAT at the table! Do you have these problems? How do you get your children on your Team for soup or beans for supper??

  4. Momof10,
    Soup is not usually a huge hit around here either, unless it's homemade tomato soup. I make about a gallon of that at a time.

    My husband likes meat, too. He says he prefers to chew, not drink, his food. However, I do have his support in trying to cut costs. So we're trying a soup a week. I try to serve the soups with a yummy whole grain bread or cornmeal to help fill in the gaps.

    Most of the children like beans. Pintos, refried, and black beans are the faves. We do A LOT of mexican type meals to incorporate them.


  5. Everything sounds great. I know what it's like to have dinner ready for that many people every night, so I'm sending blessings your way. Enjoy every minute of it.
