
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Some big changes this week!

What’s for Dinner: Enchilada Style Burritos

At the Sewing Machine: Finished the Jumper! Working on some smocks for Brigitta.

On the Scrapbook Table: Nothing New

Baby Heidi is a bit fussy today, so this will have to be brief. The big events of the week are (drum roll)...

Brigitta moves to a big girl bed! After learning a week or so ago to crawl out of her crib, we decided to stop taking the easy way out and move her into the toddler bed. She loves it and has so far given us no problems at naps or bedtime. Here she is having room-time in her bed.

And second, Teddy got his braces put on! He's handling it very well, and is taking very good care of his teeth with his new special toothbrush.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A Day at King's Island

What’s for Dinner: Turkey and Swiss Calzones

At the Sewing Machine: Half-way through that jumper

On the Scrapbook Table: Need to print some photos

What a wonderful day we had last Friday! Attending "Homeschool Days" at King's Island for Bryan's birthday was a treat enjoyed by one and all. We literally walked onto every ride and were even asked if we'd like to go around again. Although it was a day of record-breaking heat (around 100 degrees), the water rides and the strong breeze kept us very comfortable. The children have declared this to be a new yearly tradition!

Enjoying a little snack.

Brigitta on the train.

Jacob on the train.

The merry-go-round was Jacob's favorite!

Loved the spinny ride!

We wore out the baby.

Going for a swing!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Wonderful Bryan's Birthday Celebration

What’s for Dinner: Aloha Chicken and Rice

At the Sewing Machine: A new jumper for me!

On the Scrapbook Table: Need to print some photos

Last Thursday we celebrated Bryan's birthday a day early since he decided to take us to King's Island for his birthday on Friday. (More on that later!) Here are some of the party guests displaying their best manners: