What's for Dinner: Taco Salad
At the Sewing Machine: Twirly Skorts (more on these later)
At the Scrapbook Table: December & Christmas 2007 layouts
Instead of doing our usual once-per-month grocery, this past Saturday we went for two months. In fact, because of how paychecks work out, we shopped for nine weeks. We decided to do this to 1) save money (you can't spend it if you're not in the store!) and 2) eliminate the better part of one Saturday per month being consumed with food procurement.
The trip took no longer than usual, although we didn't have the whole crew with us - just baby and two cart pushers. We spent less than double the normal amount, so hopefully we'll see a savings in the end. Our menu plan is up on our website.
Here are some shots of what the pantry looks like now. God provides for all our needs - and so much more!

I brought the above cart up from the basement to hold extra cans

This is WAY up high - the tower of cereal and pasta!